Monday, December 21, 2009

Avatar: review

Astonishing, brilliant and creative…the first three words that come to mind after seeing the new movie Avatar in 3-D.

I know there are critics that say the story was predictable and the plot weak but who cares? Some movies you just want to get lost in the creative moment. And, that’s exactly what I did with Avatar. I liked most of  the characters. The villain was the most dynamic scoundrel that I have seen in a while. It did not seem like I was in there for almost three hours. However, I would not do it more than once. There are only a few things that I caught that seemed too far-fetched for the far fetch. Without giving anything away, Why was one thing used for so many functions:-)?

Overall the movie was great.

The last question I will ask is why do we spend so much time and money in creating movies just to leave the most obvious out?

God has been, is, and will always be the Author and Finisher.

Wouldn't it be so much easier to recognize the obvious?

 God Bless.

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