Showing posts with label Movie review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie review. Show all posts

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Dune vs Star Wars


10 Things that Star Wars may have stole from 


Between planets, main characters, prize possessions and many other similarities, I wonder what would have happened had Dunes made sequels and advanced on the story. Click the pic above to see all of things that popped upon Star Wars that are in Dune 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The New Jungle Book
I am excited about the Jungle Book's new look. The movie is coming out soon. It's an old story but there is always something new that you can do with new technology, creativity and fresh actors. And did I say there's Scarlett Johansson in it.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Movie Review: Woodlawn

This is more a movement than a movie.
Definitely worth the money.
This is the true story of  Tony (Touchdown Tony) Nathan and the high school in Birmingham , Alabama. It was much more than I expected and told in a way to keeps the movement at a pace that draws you in.
New comer
 does a great job as Tony and I think they called back the real Bear Bryant. John Voight was excellent. Sean Astin was convincing also. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Interstellar Confusion
Casting and chemistry gets an A.
Cinematography get an A+
I didn't realized the time until it was over.
It was almost three hours but it keeps you on edge once it gets rolling.
My only low grade and I hate to do this but the ending gets a D.
There is no possible way to show the effects of a Black-hole and the gravity pull. Every time a movie tries to do it the effect is very silly. All of the build-up leads to a impossibility.
Over all the movie is great. 

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Lone Survivor Is Respect For The Navy SEALs

Based on the failed June 28, 2005 mission "Operation Red Wings". Four members of SEAL Team 10 were tasked with the mission to capture or kill notorious Taliban leader Ahmad Shahd.

Support the Troops that saves our way of life.

Special thanks to
 Marcus Luttrell /Mark Wahlberg

Michael Murphy / Taylor Kitsch
Danny Dietz /Emil Hirsch
Matt “Axe” Axelson / Ben Foster
Erik Kristensen/ Erik Bana
and all the other military men and women that gave their lives, time  and sacrifice.

The special effects will leave you wondering if you are seeing what you are seeing. I know that sound and speed control plays with your mind but there are scenes that make me think that there has to have been serious injuries in making this movie.
All of the actor. including Marcus Luttrell, deserve applause  for their special attention to details  and how they handled their parts but Mark Wahlberg  and Ben Foster are without a doubt excellent.

Definitely worth watching two or more times.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Age Didn't Match

How did Hayden Panettiere do it?  Just finished watching Back to Back a 1996 movie where she played a 16 year old. That can't be. I was right. it wasn't here. It was a blonde Danielle Harris. The resemblance of is shocking. Both are youthful good actresses.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Don't Forget Red Tails

We Fight
We Fight
We Fight

19 M
We can do better than that.
Get your Red Tails
Get your Red Tails
Hot and exciting
Get your Red Tails

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Happy Birthday Angell

Happy Brirthday
Angell Conwell
(Attorney: Leslie Michaelson  on the Young and the Restless)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

This is awesome

Don't know who these guys are but they are great with the digital camera and editing.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Avatar: review

Astonishing, brilliant and creative…the first three words that come to mind after seeing the new movie Avatar in 3-D.

I know there are critics that say the story was predictable and the plot weak but who cares? Some movies you just want to get lost in the creative moment. And, that’s exactly what I did with Avatar. I liked most of  the characters. The villain was the most dynamic scoundrel that I have seen in a while. It did not seem like I was in there for almost three hours. However, I would not do it more than once. There are only a few things that I caught that seemed too far-fetched for the far fetch. Without giving anything away, Why was one thing used for so many functions:-)?

Overall the movie was great.

The last question I will ask is why do we spend so much time and money in creating movies just to leave the most obvious out?

God has been, is, and will always be the Author and Finisher.

Wouldn't it be so much easier to recognize the obvious?

 God Bless.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Will Smith's (and son) new movie
Pursuit of Happyness
comes out today.
Go see it and come back with a comment.

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Enjoy Life

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