Monday, June 27, 2022

Racist And Bigotry In Robots


Now we have to deal with racist robots. 

Study shows artificial intelligence quickly becomes bigoted after learning 'toxic stereotypes' on the internet.

What we have always known but hesitant to say is that there is more bigotry and racism still. If computer generated intelligent minds develop a  bias against black and brown people, along with women what does this tell us about the information traveling around the internet?  

This is scary. We are already dealing with a society that believes the statistic created by the same people doing the abuse, how are we to deal with a machine with no emotion much less one that has little or twisted views. 

We have less time than we think to get this corrected if it's even possible. 
Can we install a Black Lives Matter chip in these AIs quickly...

Please click the picture above for the details of the study.


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