Sunday, January 19, 2014

Winslow Homer's Gulf Stream

Maybe it was the sharks, maybe it was the tonado or maybe it was the sinking ship but this painting by Winslow Homer caught my attention in college. It became my first exact copy study. the more I painted the more fascinated I was with the details. The light, and darkness along with the danger and hope. Where was this distressed person coming from and where was he trying to go? Can he see the ship in the ditance? Why is he so calm? Who's blood is that in the water? There are so many directions that a writer could take.
Maybe you have a few ideas about it. 


  1. I studied art in high school but the subject was so demanding it kind of burned me out, sadly. So I didn't do any art at university. But in all my studies I have never done a copy study. It would be interesting trying to get all the little details just right.

    That is an intriguing painting.

  2. It does give you an appreciation for what artist di without todays conveniences


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