Thursday, June 02, 2011

A long way since Oprah

Artist Akiane

This young lady was introduced to the world by Oprah Winfrey when she was around seven years old. Her artwork is inspirational. The talent she displayed as a child has developed (if you can believe it) into an even stronger presence on her fresh canvases. Akiane has quietly continued working hard on her talent  (art and poetry).She has developed a strong portfolio and  book collecton.

 God has truely blessed this young lady. I had the fortune of meeting her in Charlotte, NC around the time she was introduced to the United States. The warmth she has  fills any room that she enters. My wife was equally convienced that she is Spirit filled.  


  1. What an inspiration. If only more youths would reach within themselves and allow their talents to soar as Akiane, we'd have a symphony of unmeasurable talent! Thanks for sharing this with us! I am your new follower now, won't you come over and follow us too? We'd love having you! All the best, Loretta

  2. Thanks Loretta. You are so right. I enjoyed your photos on your blog


Works of Art and More

Young Ivory Tickler

 Young Ivory Tickler Print