Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Body Tuneup

There can be no growth without a good plan. Lifting without a plan leads to early dropoffs .
Become accustom to learning new workouts.

What is Hyrox?

Monday, February 10, 2025

Fitness Myths by Paulin Nordin

Fitness Tip

Myth List

We are coming up on the busiest month for gyms.

Before getting too deeply involved take the time to read a list of sayings and thoughts that are dead wrong. 


TRUTH: Nope. Protein bars are highly processed, unless you make them yourself. Highly processed food requires fewer calories to digest, so that benefit is diminished. I love protein bars, but I eat them as treats to be eaten instead of, say, a Snickers bar.

Myth 29: Carbs are found only in bread and noodles
TRUTH: Wrong. You also find carbs in grains, starches, fruit, vegetables, dairy, nuts, and seeds.

Myth 46: The only way to lose weight is by cutting out all carbs

TRUTH: The only way to lose the right amount of weight is by adopting a diet than supports your goal, training with weights, and doing some cardio. Your program should include all of these aspects long enough to see a difference. Diet, weights, and cardio—the holy trinity of fitness!

Click any picture below to find the complete list.

By Pauline Nordin!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Good Gym Etiquette

What is Good Gym Etiquette?

First off,
I hate to use the phrase "Use common-sense." 
it is greatly overused in our speaking today. Common sense is not as common as it should be anymore. I'm using it here with some risk but please try and apply some in your thinking and see if what you feel is listed.

 Sportswriter, Anthony J. Yeung, has posted thirteen things
 to avoid while in the any gym. I have read all of them and this one sticks out more than all of them. 

Here's my list of what is important to me right now. 

 Don't use a mat or bench without cleaning it before and after used. Dirty stretching mats and exercise benches sometimes contain viruses, bacteria, and fungi. If your cut or scrape touches these germ-infested surfaces.

 Don't give unsolicited advice or start a chatty conversation with someone busy.
Avoid giving unsolicited advice in the gym for two reasons. 

      They will tend to act defensive and reject your criticism. 

     Your advice could be wrong.

Unless their technique is threatening themselves and/or others, avoid giving advice.

 If you really want to help, however, become their friend first.

 Don't shower without flip-flops

you must protect yourself from the bacteria present in shower 

stalls, regardless of your gym’s sanitation standards. If you shower 

at the gym, buy some cheap sandals and keep them in your gym bag. 

Click the picture above to find other No-No's

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Monday, December 16, 2024

Ice Baths

Super Cold Baths 

To Plunge or Not to Take the Plunge?

Every so often along comes a fade and everyone joins in.
 This has got to be one of the most serious new fades with the most serious consequences that I have seen in all my years of working out. I am not a doctor or therapist, nor do I pretend to be, however, I do use my brain when it comes to following the leader. An old parent favorite saying, "if your friends all jumped off a bridge without looking are you going to also?" That is the question when you talk about cold plunge. First of all, the average fitness enthusiast would never need that type of recover. The damage caused by doing ice baths could cause more harm than good. 

Please read what experts say about an ice plunge and protect yourself from any danger. 

Click the picture above to read up on a study by doctors


Friday, December 06, 2024

Pace Yourself

Starting out or starting over, 
the one thing to remember

Don't quit!
You can do it!
This is normally about the time that most new or returning fitness club members stop and never return. Don't give up. It is not easy to keep going but if you continue to push through (believe me)  you will be much more pleased with yourself than if you quit now. Keep going. Change the routine in some way to keep motivated, give yourself rewards for completing a day or week. Just do what ever you have to do to keep going.

Most people quit now because of three reasons:

1. They start out too fast.
2. They try and do too much
3.A partner quits

Rarely is because of money or real health issues. All three reason have to do with your way of thinking and not because of anything physical. Sore muscles will get better with time. Remember that you didn't get out of shape over night. So you definitely won't get into shape in that short of time.
Click the pic for a great workout by 
Men's Fitness.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

FitnessTip: Progress Is Slow

🗣 Progress is Slow

Being honest with you …Your progress will never catch up with your early enthusiasm. 
Set your mind to work on a long term fitness goal for good health, changes will not show on a daily basis… don’t get discouraged

 Others will notice your growth before you do. That's why it is important to start out with a healthy mindset, Keep determined and learn your individual body. Genetics can’t be changed and some people really have to work harder than others to achieve the same goals (much like in school.)

 Give yourself at least three months of consistent work before making drastic changes about your workout routine. 

*You didn't get out of shape in a day and neither will the change in a day.
It's important to stick with a routine that is constantly changing, and stimulating to your muscles to get the best result. No matter whether you are looking to pile on muscles or shed pounds your body wants to stay at the comfort level. That comfort level is where you are now. 

Copy and print out
So to stimulate growth or reduce fat cells you have to🏅
1. start (Workout.)
2. Keep a positive attitude.
3. Make it fun but stimulating.
4. Change it up (at least every other week) 
5. Give yourself daily weekly and monthly Rewards  
6. Keep conversations in the gym to a minimum.
7. Repeat 1-6
Fitness should be a life goal. Let's face it, most of us will never run a triathlon, do a Cross-fit competition or become the Ninja Worrier . If you do Good for You. Most of us are looking to have a long healthy life in a shape that keeps us away from doctors. So, don't start out burning the candle on both ends. The older we get we should learn to work smarter to get the results that youth needs the extra energy for.
Keep it positive, enjoy and encourage someone else today. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

How Important Is Your After Meal

What’s important to eat after a workout?

The perfect post-exercise meal depends on what you’re doing for your workouts. A marathon runner is going to need different foods to refuel than an Olympic lifter. Generally, longer-endurance-based workouts require more carbohydrates to replenish those lost during exercise.

Click the picture above for list of after workout best

Water is the best for rehydrating; however, electrolytes must be replaced to recover.

It is important to replace vital fluids while and after exercising.

Friday, May 10, 2024

PandaLums Louis Vuitton

PandaLums Life-Lesson 
Lock It In 
Louis Vuitton

up to
  21 x 30 

Your attitude will deflate quickly... 
when you allow cold negative air to penetrate. 


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Fitness Goals

Life is so much better when the vessel you are using is in good condition. Like any machine, automobile, plane, boat, etc., it has to be in use to perform well. 

No matter what type of workout plan you use, the only one that actually works is the one that you actually do. 

What you have to remember when you begin, start over or comeback to, don’t over think, over -do or overload your workout. 

To keep going, keep your workouts fun. Remember you are not competing for a prize , your prize should be a more healthy life. 

Grow , Encourage, Enjoy Life. 



Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Get It Done

Get It Done 

“Don’t Quit”


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low but the debts are high,

And you want to smile but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is strange with its twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many failures turn about

When we might have won had we stuck it out.

Don’t give up though the pace seems slow –

You may succeed with another blow.


Success is failure turned inside out –

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,

You can never tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems so far;

So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit –

It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Poem by Edgar A. Guest


Thursday, January 18, 2024

How long does it take

How long does it take to show results?

It’s that time of year again… The gyms around the country will be full of those with New Year’s resolution makers. To all serious workout enthusiasts…be patient. Tourist season will be over soon. Please be as  positive as you can to help tourist become long term members. 

For  those just starting or just getting back into it, there is a really good article in 
The @Ukdaily that answers your main question “HowLong will it take??”

Click any picture above to read.


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Enjoy Life

Enjoy Life   Print