Showing posts with label workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workout. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

Good Gym Etiquette

What is Good Gym Etiquette?

First off,
I hate to use the phrase "Use common-sense." 
it is greatly overused in our speaking today. Common sense is not as common as it should be anymore. I'm using it here with some risk but please try and apply some in your thinking and see if what you feel is listed.

 Sportswriter, Anthony J. Yeung, has posted thirteen things
 to avoid while in the any gym. I have read all of them and this one sticks out more than all of them. 

Here's my list of what is important to me right now. 

 Don't use a mat or bench without cleaning it before and after used. Dirty stretching mats and exercise benches sometimes contain viruses, bacteria, and fungi. If your cut or scrape touches these germ-infested surfaces.

 Don't give unsolicited advice or start a chatty conversation with someone busy.
Avoid giving unsolicited advice in the gym for two reasons. 

      They will tend to act defensive and reject your criticism. 

     Your advice could be wrong.

Unless their technique is threatening themselves and/or others, avoid giving advice.

 If you really want to help, however, become their friend first.

 Don't shower without flip-flops

you must protect yourself from the bacteria present in shower 

stalls, regardless of your gym’s sanitation standards. If you shower 

at the gym, buy some cheap sandals and keep them in your gym bag. 

Click the picture above to find other No-No's

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Friday, December 06, 2024

Pace Yourself

Starting out or starting over, 
the one thing to remember

Don't quit!
You can do it!
This is normally about the time that most new or returning fitness club members stop and never return. Don't give up. It is not easy to keep going but if you continue to push through (believe me)  you will be much more pleased with yourself than if you quit now. Keep going. Change the routine in some way to keep motivated, give yourself rewards for completing a day or week. Just do what ever you have to do to keep going.

Most people quit now because of three reasons:

1. They start out too fast.
2. They try and do too much
3.A partner quits

Rarely is because of money or real health issues. All three reason have to do with your way of thinking and not because of anything physical. Sore muscles will get better with time. Remember that you didn't get out of shape over night. So you definitely won't get into shape in that short of time.
Click the pic for a great workout by 
Men's Fitness.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

FitnessTip: Progress Is Slow

πŸ—£ Progress is Slow

Being honest with you …Your progress will never catch up with your early enthusiasm. 
Set your mind to work on a long term fitness goal for good health, changes will not show on a daily basis… don’t get discouraged

 Others will notice your growth before you do. That's why it is important to start out with a healthy mindset, Keep determined and learn your individual body. Genetics can’t be changed and some people really have to work harder than others to achieve the same goals (much like in school.)

 Give yourself at least three months of consistent work before making drastic changes about your workout routine. 

*You didn't get out of shape in a day and neither will the change in a day.
It's important to stick with a routine that is constantly changing, and stimulating to your muscles to get the best result. No matter whether you are looking to pile on muscles or shed pounds your body wants to stay at the comfort level. That comfort level is where you are now. 

Copy and print out
So to stimulate growth or reduce fat cells you have toπŸ…
1. start (Workout.)
2. Keep a positive attitude.
3. Make it fun but stimulating.
4. Change it up (at least every other week) 
5. Give yourself daily weekly and monthly Rewards  
6. Keep conversations in the gym to a minimum.
7. Repeat 1-6
Fitness should be a life goal. Let's face it, most of us will never run a triathlon, do a Cross-fit competition or become the Ninja Worrier . If you do Good for You. Most of us are looking to have a long healthy life in a shape that keeps us away from doctors. So, don't start out burning the candle on both ends. The older we get we should learn to work smarter to get the results that youth needs the extra energy for.
Keep it positive, enjoy and encourage someone else today. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Girls Dream Too


Please click The Fine Art America logo above to vote on my Billboard design.

 Girls Dream Too

for print
click below

“Impossible is Nothing”

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Trophy Hunt
Trophy Hunt
Trophies are for players only.
You must be in the game to win the game. Get up and get in.
Enjoys sports...Enjoy Life.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Heisman Time Again

 It’s getting close again. The race for the Heisman trophy is officially on. Stats are piling up but it always seems to Conor out to exposure more that stats. I guess that’s why QBs are always front runners.
Who do you think will win?

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Anxiety Calming Method By The Seals
The Navy seals have a secret to keep from getting too anxious.
 The technique takes five minutes and is simple to do.

Just click the broken pencil for the guide. 

Monday, June 04, 2018

Don't Beat Yourself Up
We all do it at one time or another. If you have a little too much weekend on a weekend, the best thing to do is get back in the saddle and ride again. There is no way you can make up for doing too much so don't overdo a workout thinking you can.
Life is full of turns and challenges so just take this in stride and just do your exercises as if you didn't over eat or over drink. The best medicine is hydration and a less stressful workout.
Australian nutritionist and personal trainer, Sophie Guidolin
has written an article for
The article gives steps on how to get back on track.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Gym, Germs and You
 As the fitness centers around the world begin to fill up, so do the germs.
Take precaution to ward off the flu and other diseases.
According to Fitrated germs are everywhere.
The study group has a report that will scare anyone that frequent a gym.
 However, precaution and persistence will keep you safe.
Please be Healthy and Safe this Fitness Tourist Season.
has a story worth reading

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Fitness Tips: Too Much Protein
Too Much Protein can Kill You.
Anything can and will destroy you if you over use it. Even water if you drink too much or only it, your body with break down and stop working. The body needs a variety of nutrients. Solid food has the best nutrients in them and should be the most of your consumption. Supplements, protein shakes and bars shouldn't fulfill your entire diet. My prayers and condolences for the family of Meegan Hefford (an Australian bodybuilder that died of too much protein and supplements this week.)
If you are dieting, please consider a diet that has moderation of a variety of foods. Your body needs works so much better absorbing nutrients through the natural process of breaking down solid meals. It can tell the difference between powders and process supplements.  

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Kids and Multiple Sports
Is it okay to let kids play multiple sports or is it better to stick with a specific sport that they enjoy?
Youth sports are starting out younger and young. The earlier a child gets into sporting teams the better chance of excelling in that sport seems to be the mindset. However, this is not always the case. It really depends on the child, the training and natural abilities. Let's face it some kids are not meant to be or will ever want to be a pro athlete. That should not be the goal in early sports. Fun, health, social development and comradely should be the goal for young kids.
Click through the pic for a study on the advantage/disadvantage of multiple sports in early childhood.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Fitness Tips January: Dealing With DOMS
What exactly is DOMS?
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
After a hard workout
I remember when my high school coach would make us warm up before and after lifting. He would also make us work through the discomfort at the next work out. I have said that Old-School is still the best school. It also seems to always come back to the basics.
Click above to see a great article on DOMS
click below to follow a great source on twitter.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Fitness Warning: Extreme moves for the Avanced

No Fancy Weights
No Treadmill
No Glamour
No Problem
Just plain old fashion muscles 

Thursday, October 08, 2015

October Fitness Tip
It's fall and time to switch up routines. Doing the same thing doesn't help the body. Your body is smarter than you think. If you don't change up routines your inner-works get used to what it and adjust areas to make it easier to do. By changing up the body can't shift and get settled. This means more gains in muscles and less stress on joints and tendons.
Click through if you want a great full body dumbbell workout.

Works of Art and More

Original Art

Original Art Work Original works of art by artist CF Legette