What is Good Gym Etiquette?
First off,
I hate to use the phrase "Use common-sense."
I hate to use the phrase "Use common-sense."
it is greatly overused in our speaking today. Common sense is not as common as it should be anymore. I'm using it here with some risk but please try and apply some in your thinking and see if what you feel is listed.
Sportswriter, Anthony J. Yeung, has posted thirteen things
Sportswriter, Anthony J. Yeung, has posted thirteen things
to avoid while in the any gym. I have read all of them and this one sticks out more than all of them.
Here's my list of what is important to me right now.
Don't use a mat or bench without cleaning it before and after used. Dirty stretching mats and exercise benches sometimes contain viruses, bacteria, and fungi. If your cut or scrape touches these germ-infested surfaces.
Don't give unsolicited advice or start a chatty conversation with someone busy.
Avoid giving unsolicited advice in the gym for two reasons.
They will tend to act defensive and reject your criticism.
Your advice could be wrong.
If you really want to help, however, become their friend first.
Don't shower without flip-flops
Don't shower without flip-flops