Ice Baths

Super Cold Baths 

To Plunge or Not to Take the Plunge?

Every so often along comes a fade and everyone joins in.
 This has got to be one of the most serious new fades with the most serious consequences that I have seen in all my years of working out. I am not a doctor or therapist, nor do I pretend to be, however, I do use my brain when it comes to following the leader. An old parent favorite saying, "if your friends all jumped off a bridge without looking are you going to also?" That is the question when you talk about cold plunge. First of all, the average fitness enthusiast would never need that type of recover. The damage caused by doing ice baths could cause more harm than good. 

Please read what experts say about an ice plunge and protect yourself from any danger. 

Click the picture above to read up on a study by doctors



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