Sunday, June 03, 2012

Fun Sweet Grass Festival

A big Thank You to all of the visitors, buyers and other vendors at the Sweet Grass Festival in Mt, Pleasant, SC. We could not have ordered better weather. I am grateful for revisiting local people and meeting new people. Let's see...New Jersey, New York, Switzerland... I know I'm leaving some out. But, every conversation I had was positive. Thank you so much for the encouragement. My wife as usual found her way to some interesting vendor spots. Oh,  Jermaine she loves her new sweet grass basket. Jermaine is one of the best sweet grass basket makers. His work is a specialist.
I look forward to next year already.

1 comment:

  1. A message 2 start ur day
    A prayer 2 bless ur way
    A cheer 2 perfect ur day
    & A moment 2 say
    Take care & hv a nice day


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