Thursday, February 12, 2009

'Dark' Comets Could Hit Earth Without Warning

The Time of the End
"Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued. "Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. "Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase." Then I, Daniel, looked and behold, two others were standing, one on this bank of the river and the other on that bank of the river.
And one said to the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "How long will it be until the end of these wonders?" I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time; and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed. As for me, I heard but could not understand; so I said, "My lord, what will be the outcome of these events?"
He said, "Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time.
"Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.
"From the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.
"How blessed is he who keeps waiting and attains to the 1,335 days!
"But as for you, go your way to the end; then you will enter into rest and rise again for your allotted portion at the end of the age."
Daniel 12

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

End of Earth?

Why is this man smiling, when he may be destroying what we call earth?

Brian Cox and his Super Collider.

I think this is very very dangerous

Monday, January 26, 2009

Have we forgotten?

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken and one left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one left. Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
Matthew 24:36-44

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Good morning Mr. President

May God direct your thoughts, actions and direction. May the Lord Jesus Christ comfort and protect your family. May the Holy Spirit be in every meeting you attend. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

“Not long ago and not far away, a nobody named Ordinary lived in the land of Familiar.”
And they would often sit around at night and watch a box.
A sentence from "The Dream Giver" by Bruce Wilkinson.
God has an amazing destiny for you, but it will take submission on your part to His will. Hudson Taylor said it well, “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s resources.” This means I am not seeking my plans, but His plans. In what ways are you thwarting God’s work? Perhaps there are some character issues God is working on in your life . . .

Sow a thought, reap an act
Sow an act, reap a habit
Sow a habit, reap a character
Sow a character, reap a destiny

What is God calling you to do?
from a sermon by Dr.Rick Higgins, CIU

Church print

Two Ribbons
Faith- Hope & Love
Just Like Mom

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians. 13:13

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christian Love

...Be joyful.

Grow to maturity.

Encourage each other.

Live in harmony and peace.

Then the God of love

and peace will be with you.

Greet each other with Christian love...

1 Corinthians 13:11-12

Merry Christmas

Works of Art and More

So Saxxy

So Saxxy  Original / Prints