What exactly Is A
Humble Strutt?
A Humble Strutt is a Christian walk with confidence.
The way CF spells Humble Strutt (with two T's)
means it is not ordinary.
It is a different strut. It is a *peculiar strutt.
"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."
1 Peter 2:9
is a heavenly assured walk of Faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.
All Paintings:
1. When there is a single young lady pictured,
it refers to a walk with God. Her name is Pure.
2. When there are two female Humble-Strutt walkers, the older one is named Wisdom and the younger one is Youth.
3. When there are three females present, the names are Love (the oldest) along with Faith and Hope.
* If there is a window in the painting that seems to come out of nowhere it represents God is with us always and gives us a way out from any and all situations.
He is always with us.
I truly pray that you are enlightened by my work.
May God Bless You
What exactly Is A
Humble Strutt?
A Humble Strutt is a Christian walk with confidence.
The way CF spells Humble Strutt (with two T's)
means it is not ordinary.
It is a different strut. It is a *peculiar strutt.
"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."
1 Peter 2:9
is a heavenly assured walk of Faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.
All Paintings:
1. When there is a single young lady pictured,
it refers to a walk with God. Her name is Pure.
2. When there are two female Humble-Strutt walkers, the older one is named Wisdom and the younger one is Youth.
3. When there are three females present, the names are Love (the oldest) along with Faith and Hope.
* If there is a window in the painting that seems to come out of nowhere it represents God is with us always and gives us a way out from any and all situations.
He is always with us.
I truly pray that you are enlightened by my work.
May God Bless You