Friday, November 22, 2024

Fitness Myths by Paulin Nordin

Fitness Tip

Myth List

We are coming up on the busiest month for gyms.

Before getting too deeply involved take the time to read a list of sayings and thoughts that are dead wrong. 


TRUTH: Nope. Protein bars are highly processed, unless you make them yourself. Highly processed food requires fewer calories to digest, so that benefit is diminished. I love protein bars, but I eat them as treats to be eaten instead of, say, a Snickers bar.

Myth 29: Carbs are found only in bread and noodles
TRUTH: Wrong. You also find carbs in grains, starches, fruit, vegetables, dairy, nuts, and seeds.

Myth 46: The only way to lose weight is by cutting out all carbs

TRUTH: The only way to lose the right amount of weight is by adopting a diet than supports your goal, training with weights, and doing some cardio. Your program should include all of these aspects long enough to see a difference. Diet, weights, and cardio—the holy trinity of fitness!

Click any picture below to find the complete list.

By Pauline Nordin!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Keep And Eye On Your Brother

Keep An Eye On Your Brother

 Let Me Be 

I can sit 

I can stand

I can kneel

I can run

I can be eating a bag of candy

I can have my empty hands up high

I can be in compliance 

I can  drive a race car 

I can mind my own damn business won’t let me be. 

Let me be!

Works of Art and More

SeaPines of HiltonHead

Hilton Head South Carolina  Oics Men’s section  Southern Natural Bench