Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Gullah Art And The Culture

What is Gullah Art?
Sonja Britton Dunham
The artists and art above and below show the vibrant colors and bold stance of the subject give a strong clue to whether or not a piece is Gullah art. The art is a symbol of the culture of the people. Everyday life is beautiful and should be celebrate. The people are proud of whatever they do and always seem to have a calming look on there face. Even during tough time they always find a way to get through.
Jonathan Green
If you keep up with any news form the Low Country you heard the voice of  Nadine Collier (Daughter of deceased Ethel Lance) when she forgave her killer in an open court in Charleston, SC.)
That is the strength of the culture and the strong belief in God's love that they have.
The Smithsonian Magazine once covered the Gullah life in a well written story and features a short film of some of the people. Click the story below to go to that article but come back with a comment on the culture.
Whitney Dangerfield

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