Monday, October 24, 2016

Smaller than Small

Tuscaloosa Alabama is a small town that expands to metropolitan like traffic during Saturdays during the fall. The quaint little town becomes bumper to bumper and one to two hours waits at every restaurant. And, everywhere you look everybody has the same initial; the letter A.
 Alabama Football, with sixteen national championships dominates the area. If you schedule a visit be sure to check the time of your stay. Your visit can change drastically (monetarily and physically.) This story however is not about the small town of Tuscaloosa or the great football story of the Bama Crimson Tide. It is about an even smaller town within the small town.
Just North of downtown Tuscaloosa is an artsy village of creative minds and historic structures. In Northport Alabama there is an old train trestle that screams out “Come Visit!”

The structure was built in the eighteen hundreds by one of the Universities Civil Engineers. Any historic buff will find plenty to discover and any artist will appreciate the feeling and atmosphere of Northport. All of the artist will take the time to visit with you while you are there.

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