Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts

Saturday, February 08, 2025

The Darkest Corner of the Darkest Time

The Darkest Corner of the Darkest Time

Thoughts of The Orangeburg Massacre 


        Right now, the Railroad-Corner is a quiet. 

However, in my head it still screams out loud every time I drive by it…especially if its February. I think about that time often, but it doesn’t really hit hard until February because all those pictures show up again. It hurts too much to keep thinking about the reality of the tragedy and the thought of the callousness of the act.  There has never been a fair look into the way things ended that day.

     This month meets me with so many different emotions. Because of the time and place Orangeburg was overlooked then and now. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. life was taken just a few months later. This turned all focus from any type of justice away from the small confederate loving town. 

Times changes but the darkness stays the same. 

That small grass hill on the east side the railroad tracks that split the city of Orangeburg, will always have a cold feeling around it. That is where Bump took his last breath. It has been over fifty years since we last saw him run down Gadsden Street,  on his way to a Wilkinson High football or basketball practice. That big contagious smile that he always had can be seen from down the street as he approaches us. As me and my crew enjoy ourselves at our neighborhood corner (Gadsden Street and Walker Avenue) singing, dancing and bullshitting, we anticipate what he was going to do or say to any of us today.

The route he’s taking is one we all traveled often. It is the shortest route to get to Wilkinson High School and to the campus of South Carolina State College. We also take that same route to get to MacDonald’s gas station (One of the prideful Black-owned gas stations in town) to buy snacks or have a bicycle tire patched. The route treks through a couple of back yards, through corn fields, crossing a railroad track, more back yards, and then a long winding dirt road. It is more like an obstacle course than a route. Bump (Delano Middleton) was always running a little late. However, we all knew why. He had to finish up everything Mr. Gramps (His dad) had asked him to do on their farmland...the farm that ran for acres parallel to our neighborhood. It used to bear cotton but now mostly corn and an apple orchard. The animals are few now, but hogs had to be slopped and cows and chickens fed before he went to school. 

Our crew of seven had seen this so often that we really didn’t have to look up. It's Bump. We all say hi and go back to talking about our favorite games from the weekend or the Jackson Five singing group. But we know what else is coming.  Bump has this big bright smile like nothing could ever hurt him. He is confident and had it all to back it up. I don’t remember a time that he passed by us that he didn’t stop to encourage us in some way. His words sink in even though we pretended not to listen. It all balls down to doing something good in life. He was talking mostly to his nephew (Alonzo) than us, but we all had to acknowledge him...or else. Looking at it now, everything was as if it was predestined for him. He knew what he wanted in life early. As an extremely talented natural athlete, he could play any sport he wanted to and did all of them very well. Coaches smiled when his name was mentioned. His physique was intimidating, and his quickness was even more respected. He would sometimes get tested by foolish unknowing bullies and they all soon learned a hard lesson. No one messed with Bump. 


Bump was going to be someone special.


 No one ever said it out loud, but we all knew. Needless to say, none of us ever thought that it would be bullets from Highway Patrolmen lifting him to that specialness. 


This tragedy happened way too quickly.


One day everything is fine and the next day an explosion of racial tension floods our city. The curfew from a protest kept us inside for days. Tensions boil over and a black cloud drops down over the city. The cloud gets darker and darker each day as hate and evil set in.  


Things escalate when a group of students begins a protest for civil rights. In addition to lunch counters and restrooms being segregated, there is a bowling alley that locks its doors when students arrive. 

The students are pushed back by force all the way to campus ground.

Then, without warning or instigation ... gunfire erupts into the crowd of college students. Pellets from shotgun blast rip through clothing and flesh. Students begin to run and some fall. Bump falls to the grass to never stand again. Several others fall and rise slowly, two other students also never rise again (Henry Smith, and Samuel Hammond.) As the lights and bullhorns are active above them, they struggle to breathe.

When all is still, armed uniformed men stand around carrying on casual conversations. Some of the men carry clubs and some have their hands in their pockets and casually listen to the last breath of the students on the ground.


Screams from other hurt students and yells from loud bull horns merge above the city and the community will never be the same again.


 Life around the "Railroad Corner" left that day and never came back. That corner like our corner in our neighborhood the life-point, a meet-up place and it was the sign of how the community was doing. Every good neighborhood has a place where kids can laugh and play without worry. Unless there was a storm (dark clouds) there was always life on that corner. 


 No one knows how short our time will be (Never undervalue the time you have with your good friends.) We never gathered at our corner after Bump took his last run past us. It was as if he did like the old western movies where they ride off into the sun. Then there is only darkness as the movie closes, and everything is over. In our neighborhood when darkness comes it's time to head home for safety.  


Will there ever be light on the "Railroad Corner again?


It’s been over fifty years, but it seems like only yesterday that we tossed the ball around with friends and no matter how much time passes it will never take those moments away. If there is one lesson to learn from this, it is simply to enjoy life while you have it as Bump did...
Even though I will always look to see when there is justice for this tragedy,



 I can't allow the darkness to overtake the light that guides me. 

Be a good example for all to see while you are here regardless of what others do. 

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Three simple life rules:

Grow: Grow to know the love of God. 
Encourage: Encourage everyone you meet. 
Enjoy: Enjoy Life  



Rest in Peace My Friend. 

May God Bless any reader that comes across this and remember the lesson from the corner. The dark corner will only have life again when the light comes back. Let the light expose what is hidden in darkness. 


The Annual Orangeburg Massacre remembrance is on February eight every year.

In Memory of Delano H. (Bump) Middleton

*Pictures credit to 

Monday, September 30, 2024

A Blue Moon Is Just The Beginning Of Something Special

"A Cresent Moon Is Just the Beginning of Something Special"

The Black and White of a Blue Moon Pandemonium
 by CF Legette

If you don’t know… you don’t know.
And, if you have to ask then you don’t, and that’s okay.
Believe me, you are not the only one. There are millions and millions of people that are just like you. It’s really sad, because it is a beautiful thing. Something this special should be broadcast all over the world. However, this is exactly how they want it.
To those who are in-the-know, when a blue moon appears it’s the only sign that in a certain place in the world it is happening. Very perceptive students are the ones inquisitive enough to seek out this secret phenomenon. I can honestly tell you that you have never seen anything quite as lovely as when the black and white bears fill the streets with dance, music and super good vibes. Instruments in hand and playing all on the same accord, they dance and prance until...well until people start to gather. Then as quickly as they joined, they disappear.
If you aren’t aware of it, you will never even look for it. But, if you do know, you are proud of the work that you have put in to find the first one.
One special place in the South has had more than any other city.
It’s a very friendly city and that may be the reason why.
The secret parades of the musical pandas are never announced; nor are there any special invitations sent out to celebrities. There are no golden keys or special wands and there is no special pixie dust tossed around. Big celebrities are clueless, and dignitaries don’t have special notices. It all starts and ends with the secretive black and white bear…the panda bear.  


















Illustartions and writing by C. F. Legette


Friday, April 12, 2019

Determination Print

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
Vince Lombardi
If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.
 Les Brown
I've always found that anything worth achieving will always have obstacles in the way and you've got to have that drive and determination to overcome those obstacles on route to whatever it is that you want to accomplish.
 Chuck Norris

Friday, December 28, 2018

Happy New Year And Roll Tide

 Happy New Year
2018 SEC Champions Roll Tide
Alabama CrimsonTide
 Big Al
Wall Tapestry

Canvas print of several sizes

Roll Tide Tusk Print

Sunday, April 30, 2017

In Barbados The Rocks Point To Charleston

Barbados: a definite Charleston connection

A sweet connection can be felt once the name Charleston comes up. When you say South Carolina or Charleston in the island of Barbados to any older person a sweet familiar warmth is immediately felt. It’s the same warm feeling that comes from the Gullah people. The love that is shown with the Gullah culture is on full display on an entire Island. It’ the same feeling I get it when I join up with them in June for the Sweet Grass Festival in Mt. Pleasant SC. You may call it laid back, they just call it Island-Pace. A full week of on the island and I have yet to hear an argument among anyone. And, believe me there where many chances for them to “go-off” on some people I wanted to go-off on for them. However, the pace stays exactly the way they like it.
Once called the Post Office of Charleston, there is plenty of history between the two places. The architecture, the landscaping and the colors all have connection. Many of the plantations where designed on the island. Event the huge rocks off the coast seem to walk out as if they are trying to reach out to something. That something may well be Charleston.

  Enjoy the view of the pictures and you may get an itch to take a flight.

 A local fisherman net fishing for Jak. It's a small but tasty fish. 

 Tourism is number one for the economy where sugar was once.

 Beauty clashes with liquid motion everyday

 The culture gives benefit to the number one economic
 The building are strong and beautifully made with coral. 

Tide Art Gallery
and Restaurant in  Holetown 
(I'm looking forward to my placement there.)

No matter the event, this is a must see spot.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Tim Tebow Welcome To Columbia SC
In his first appearance and first at-bat as a Firefly in Columbia, SC Former Florida Gator standout and Pro Football player Tim Tebow hits a two run homer. The FireFlies are glowing. It could've have stated any better for the season. A full house for the opening day game with celebrity Tim Tebow knocking one out of the park, will definitely help the ticket booth sales.
Congrats to Tem Tebow , the FireFlies and Columbia, SC.
There is a lot happening (in sports) in the city in such a short time.

Firefly Tim Tebow goes yard again in Sundays (April 9th) game.
For the second time in as many games Tim Tebow knocks one out of the park.
This time a three run homer. Tim and Columbia are having fun.
Enjoy your stay in Columbia Tim. The way he's hitting it may be a short one.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Smaller than Small

Tuscaloosa Alabama is a small town that expands to metropolitan like traffic during Saturdays during the fall. The quaint little town becomes bumper to bumper and one to two hours waits at every restaurant. And, everywhere you look everybody has the same initial; the letter A.
 Alabama Football, with sixteen national championships dominates the area. If you schedule a visit be sure to check the time of your stay. Your visit can change drastically (monetarily and physically.) This story however is not about the small town of Tuscaloosa or the great football story of the Bama Crimson Tide. It is about an even smaller town within the small town.
Just North of downtown Tuscaloosa is an artsy village of creative minds and historic structures. In Northport Alabama there is an old train trestle that screams out “Come Visit!”

The structure was built in the eighteen hundreds by one of the Universities Civil Engineers. Any historic buff will find plenty to discover and any artist will appreciate the feeling and atmosphere of Northport. All of the artist will take the time to visit with you while you are there.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Wisdom and Youth

As she walked into the booth her wide smile disguised her strong curiosity. Dressed in today’s fashion she could be from any city in America this just happens to be Atlanta. I knew she had something on her mind because it was right there. The question was so ready to pounce out that it bumped around behind her lips until it couldn't help but spill out.
“So…what’s up with all the ladies with the hats on? Is it a Southern thing or what?
“Well, as far as I’m concerned it is. My works often incorporate the strength of the South. And, yes it is mainly the strong women in the family that keeps it together in religion, fashion and hope.” My answer was the shortest that I could come up with. There is not much time to lose in a small art booth during a show and sale.
She had another question already loaded before I completed my answer.
“So... what’s up with this lady and the little girl in this one?”
I knew there was no need in going through the full story of what each one represents in all of my paintings. My answer again had to be to the point.
The ladies in this one are named Wisdom and Youth.”
She laughed. “Well don’t you wish that was true?” There is no wisdom in youth and today wisdom seldom teaches youth anything.”
“I said you are correct but is that the way it has to be?  God’s word hasn’t changed, we have.
She still had a smile on her face but this time it was more of a puzzling smile.
“It was great talking with you.” She said.

"Like wise I said."

 That conversation was what I had needed to keep me focused on why I do what I do.  
God is still the same God of yesterday.

He is the same today.

And, He will be the same tomorrow.
God's Love
Keep Praying

Wisdom and Youth

She walked into the booth and her wide smile was covering her strong curiosity. Dressed in today’s fashion she could be from any city in America this just happens to be Atlanta. I knew she had something on her mind because it was right there. The question was ready to pounce out that it bumped around behind her lips and then just spilled out.
“So…what’s up with all the ladies with the hats on? Is it a Southern thing or what?
“Well, as far as I’m concerned it is. My works often incorporate the strength of the South. And, yes it is mainly the strong women in the family that keeps it together in religion, fashion and hope.” My answer was the shortest that I could come up with. There is not much time to lose in a small art booth during a show and sale.
She had another question already loaded before I completed my answer.
“So... what’s up with this lady and the little girl in this one?”
I knew there was no need in going through the full story of what each person of the women represent in all of my paintings. My answer again had to be to the point.
The ladies in this one are named Wisdom and Youth.”
She laughed. “Well don’t you wish that was true?” There is no wisdom in youth and today wisdom seldom teaches youth anything.”
“I said you are correct but is that the way it has to be?  God’s word hasn’t changed, we have.
She still had a smile on her face but this time it was more of a puzzling smile.
“It was great talking with you.” She said.
God is still the same God of yesterday. He is the same today. And, He will be the same tomorrow.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

My Wife's Last Mountain Trip

It started out as quick trip up the mountains of North Carolina for a weekend getaway. And, it ended up being a trip from hell. I had checked the weather all week. There was no sign of rain, sleet or snow. However on the way up when I stopped for gas just before crossing the South Carolina and North Carolina border I felt the change in the air. I mentioned to my wife that something is not right. Before I could get the receipt the first flake hit the windshield. It was the first of a eight hour fall. By the time we reached halfway up the mountain trail it was in blizzard mode. At this time there was no where to stop without getting stuck on the road all night. Needless to say the wife was in full panic mode by now. She knew that each turn on the mountain that we were going to (as she said) fall off the mountain.
 We eventually made it to the  only place on the road still open. Since it was on a weekend trip ia had only packed a few protein bars and water. I knew that we would be able to stock up when we reached the populated area. However, the local people knew more about the weather than the meteorologist and had cleaned most of the local food. We did however find some essentials and a enough sweets to make a weekend last.

The clerk mentioned that if we were going to the lodge that we need to make it on up there. Things are about to get really bad. Inside I of course thought that it was already bad. My wife would not see that on my face. We still had another hour of snow driving to do. And, it was the steepest part of the mountain.
We eventually make it to the lodge around eight o'clock. At this time we both are exhausted. My wife is exhausted from screaming and I am exhausted from listening and eye straining. The office is closed with a not that says "Closed Due To Snow.: What?
We eventually find the paper work for the rental and call the office. The operator switches us to the sheriffs office. What?
A deputy answers and informs us that we will need to come back down the mountain road about half of a mile and get the key. When there is an emergency the office closes early so that the local people can get home before the snow gets too bad. What?
Well at this time I am cold, frustrated and exhausted. However, what were we t do. We drive back down the snow covered road to the Sheriffs Office. The building looks like it was plucked right out of Mayberry. I had expected to see Barney when we walked in. What we see are three deputies trying to put a desk together. It was really getting to them because they all had taken off there shirts. They all had on white T-shirts kaki pants and gun belts. Barney was not there but I am sure he wasn't far off. After a few minuets of looking they found our villa number.  
Back up the mountain and to the lodge we drive. Of all the places that we have stayed I would not have picked this place to have electronic keys.  You know what comes next. Yes...the key does not work. At this time I am about to pop. We call the Sheriff's office again. They take a while to answer so I know the desk was really working on them. When the deputy answers he seems puzzled that an electronic key wasn't working. After going through several checks he says we'll send Barney down with a a master key. Of course you know his name wasn't Barney But I had to throw that in. The deputy does make it up to the lodge and lets us in. He leaves us with the master key.
Once inside the lodge and after a quick check of equipment we find out that the main heating unit does not work. It only blows cold air. Luckily the wood stock was full and there were fireplaces in the right places. I get all of them going and we finally get to put or feet to prepare for a great weekend.
The next day was so sunny and warm by mid day that it melted most of the six inches of snow that fell last night.
The wife enjoyed the rest of the weekend but was quick to remind me once we reached South Carolina again that
"You know that was my last mountain trip."
I don't say a word.

Inside I'm already thinking of survival kits for the next one.

Works of Art and More

Enjoy Life

Enjoy Life   Print