Sneek Peek
Oil Paintings coming
Humble Strutt Series
The attitude is often mistaken but always be appreciated.
The attitude is often mistaken but always be appreciated.
Southern Vintage Culture Artist. Online Gallery, Contact information, Art News, New Art, Events, Shows, Admired Artist
synonyms: | immoral act, wrong, wrongdoing, act of evil/wickedness, transgression, crime, offense, misdeed, misdemeanor; More
"a sin in the eyes of God"
wickedness, wrongdoing, wrong, evil, evildoing, sinfulness, immorality, iniquity, vice, crime
"the human capacity for sin"
antonyms: | virtue |
synonyms: | commit a sin, commit an offense, transgress, do wrong, commit a crime, break the law, misbehave, go astray;
"I have sinned"
Big Dreams Dream Big Original/ Prints