Monday, August 31, 2015

9 Candles Love Hope Faith

Best of 2015

Three young ladies stand on the edge of Charleston SC and the Atlantic Ocean. All three are dressed in white and have on one of the symbols of the south (large brimmed straw hats.)

The oldest carries a large basket, hand made from the grass that  grows on a certain island off Charleston, SC. The grass is called Sweet-grass and the weaved basket making technique came in with slaves and has been passed on through generations. 

The two younger ladies, Faith and Hope stand with patience and discipline. Their white ribbons of peace flap in the changing breeze showing that change is coming. The basket is filled with nine candles. Each candle shines brightly and has a pleasing aroma. In the far left is the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge. It reflects the bright suns rays from the suspension cables. And in the right (only on the original painting) are nine doves flying into the distance heavens.
Scripture Ref.
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
 Genesis 50:20
*The original painting belongs to Governor Nikki Haley and is in the South Carolina Governor's Mansion. Four first-run prints  where printed with the above scripture dedications. All other prints will be without doves, scripture and names.

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