Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Palm and Panda


Southern Tied
Palm & Panda
Patient Panda


 Grow Encourage Enjoy
Grow to Know Christ
Encourage Others to seek Him
Enjoy the Fruit Of His Love
John 3:16

Living Together In Peace

Learn to Live with Others In Peace
Take a week and say nothing bad about anyone
(no exceptions...everyone counts.)
If you don't succeed start over.
If you do succeed try two weeks.
After that a month.
If you make it through a month you will not be the same person.
God's Love.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Picasso May Bring $142million (Update: Brings In More)


Pablo Picasso's Les Femmes d’Alger is expected to break the $142 million world auction record at Christie’s in New York.

Sells for Record $179M at Auction 


Be An Example Of Good

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger,
but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

Friday, May 08, 2015

Thursday, May 07, 2015

The Power Of The Pin

This is just my vent on the whole Inflate-Gate Matter.

It is Mid May and we are still talking about something as small as an air pin. With all that's going on in the world who would ever have thought that national news would devote this much time to an air pin. The NFL should settle this quickly. There has been too much time dealing with something that back-yard games settle in minutes. Either it was done or it wasn't. If it was discipline, if not move on. The world will not change either way. There is no way to replay games or take away championship moments. I would love to see every game played with total fairness but with the money that's at stake today that will never happen. Every owner, very team, every coach every player, every trainer and yes every fan wants to win.  And fortunately God gives us all the ability to choose right and wrong. If you are one of the above mentioned don't let any team or event cause you to choose wrong. It's not worth it.

SouthernTied: Young Palm

Southern Tied
Young Palm

Works of Art and More

Golden Palms

Golden Palm Trees  Original / prints