Friday, October 09, 2015

The Art Of Body Ink
Body ink is not all fun and games. Looking at the expressions on the faces of some ink seekers tell the story. Is it really worth the pain? Some say yes.
My only advice is that to remember ink is virtually permanent. To have removed would be worst than putting it on. 

Thursday, October 08, 2015

October Fitness Tip
It's fall and time to switch up routines. Doing the same thing doesn't help the body. Your body is smarter than you think. If you don't change up routines your inner-works get used to what it and adjust areas to make it easier to do. By changing up the body can't shift and get settled. This means more gains in muscles and less stress on joints and tendons.
Click through if you want a great full body dumbbell workout.

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Beginning The Week With A Bright Spot

Okay... I had to really look for  good news today. This past week and weekend can try and force you into a negative track. However... Joy comes in the morning.  And, speaking of mornings, Sunday Brunch is getting better in Charleston SC. #Fish will now serve brunch.
A great spot in the heart of Charleston on King Street.

If you will remember, I had this year's anniversary dinner there. The staff and even the customers there ended up making this one of our best.
There is always something new on the menu so I can't give any specifics. When you visit just try whatever the waitress suggest. And, I'm sure you'll be fine. 

Friday, October 02, 2015

The Pope's Colors
Why does the Pope wear what he wears?
Color will always have meaning and the Pope knows it.
The robes he wear are all connected to what he says without speaking.

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Unexpected Artist Habit

I give credit where credit is due. With all of the noise and (as Old-School says) nonsense going on theses days, an occasional breath of fresh air breaks through. The young singer, Taylor Swift, has touched my heart with her willingness to step out and do things totally out of the box. She takes the time to personally get involved with the giving and the giving is often. This last story is so heart warming. One of her back-up dancer's young nephew is battling cancer.
 Click the picture to see what this young artist did.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Humble Strutt

A Humble Strutt
is a Christian walk with confidence.
 Humble Strutt is spelled with two t's
which means it is not an ordinary earthly proud strut. It is peculiar*.

*But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,a holy nation, a people for his own possession,
that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9

Truth: Just Saying

is not a color, a group, a feeling nor a movement. It stands on IT's own in times of  good and times of bad. IT has only one direction and will not change. It is full of LIGHT even in the darkest of darkness. It does not yield to peer pressure, public opinion or strong earthly powers.
IT will not be drowned, closed in, smothered  or exhumed.
TRUTH will prevail.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son,
 who came from the Father,
full of grace and
John 1:14

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

When Praise Go Up ...

Let the peoples praise you, O God;
    let all the peoples praise you!
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,
    for you judge the peoples with equity
    and guide the nations upon earth. Selah
 Let the peoples praise you, O God;
    let all the peoples praise you!
The earth has yielded its increase;
    God, our God, shall bless us.
 God shall bless us;
    let all the ends of the earth fear him!
Psalm 67:3-7

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Shirtless Steve Spurrier

A local illustration artist does work for ESPN
 and owes new excitement to Shirtless Spurrier.

Illustrator Kevin Roche
 just finished a children’s book featuring USC mascot Cocky

Friday, September 25, 2015

Southern Tied: Character

1. the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.
2. one such feature or trait; characteristic.
3. moral or ethical quality: a man of fine, honorable character.
4. qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity: It takes character to face up to a bully.
5. reputation: a stain on one's character.
6. good repute.
7. an account of the qualities or
peculiarities of a person or thing.
 “Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.”
Proverbs 28:6 –

Works of Art and More

Magnolia South

Magnolia South  Prints