Friday, January 20, 2017

Change Comes With Anticipation

Walk In The Light
Don't Fear Change
Change comes whether you want it to or not.
 Without change staleness soon becomes death. A pond without fresh water will eventually loose all life. The fear of change never produces the anticipated outcome.
Take each day as it comes. God walks with those who walks with Him. 
Walk In The Light and You Will Not Give Into The Whims Of The World.
Ref. Galatians 5:16

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Artist Spotlight: Eron

Italian graffiti artist Eron paints with cans of spray paint
 on just about anything anywhere.
Most of his mural have a ghostly resemblance
which makes them look as if they are stains or imprints.
"Art must be shared to live."

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Performance In The Subway
When talented strangers meet no one ever knows what will happen except God. When Dancers meet musicians in the subway in Paris it's becoming normal for them to perform together to make the travelers day. Bravo to the Dancers and musicians in Paris.
Click through to see a brief video. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Walk In The Light
Original and Prints
Walk In The Light
Love walks with Faith carrying Hope
oil on canvas
28 x 22 

Monday, January 09, 2017

Let Everyone Examine His Own

If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness,
we lie and do not live out the truth. Psalm 15:2-3
For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden. Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:3-6

Artist Spotlight: Incredible Body Art Painting
 Amazing body paint that makes the subject one with nature.
Orly Faya
 travelling visionary artist, speaker and
 eternal student/ teacher of healing through creativity.

Monday, January 02, 2017

It's Your Choice

You are what you tell yourself you are:Repeat it enough and you will begin to believe it.
 You are not what the world says you are. God has so much more for you. Your answer is as close as a prayer. There is a choice to be made.The next step you take is yours.

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. 
The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
2 Corinthians 5:17

A Camel Art Mystery

This is a photograph by George Steinmetz of camels walking in the desert or is it?

I had to look really hard at this picture to see what I should see. It certainly shows that your eyes are not always telling you the truth. Study this picture for a while. If you can't see the truth then click through to get the answer.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Enjoying A New Restaurant In Irmo SC


Just had a fresh and tasty meal in the new Urban Cook-House restaurant on Lake Murray Blvd. in Irmo, South Carolina. The meal was delicious and I ran into my old buddy Ralph also. Ralph's grandson owns this eatery and several others around the Southeast. I love the menu items, the staff is friendly and my wife is still talking about the décor. It's good to have a local restaurant with local food made fresh everyday. Urban CookHouse is a great addition to this area.


Works of Art and More

A Dancers Legs

 A Dancers Legs   Study Prints