Are you as confused as I am about the new ejection rule in college football? I understand the concern for safety but to make a mandatory ejection on a hard hit just dosen't seem right. It is still football isn't it? I'm not the only one it seems. Jon Solomon (below) makes a pretty good arguments on the new rule and if it will last.
Jon Solomon
One in seven FBS games last week had a targeting foul, which now results in an ejection (if it's not overturned by replay) and a possible one-half suspension for the next game. During all of last season, targeting was called in one in eight FBS games.
Alabama coach Nick Saban wonders why targeting rule review can not also overturn penalty
Andrew Gribble
"They did what they were supposed to do based on the judgment and the call they had to make, which I respect what our guys do. I respect how hard they work to try to do a good job. Some of them are bang-bang plays."