Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Being Creative On Your Walls

 Your Home is your domain do to it what you like.

 However Three Rules apply

 Rule #1. Bare means only flaws get the stare. 
Rule #2. Plan on living with it forever if you go to far in your hobby mood.

*Best option

Rule #3. Let creators create and you just frame or hang.

Click any picture to see an awry of great all options

That Is All..

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Roll Tide


The Tide falls but like always it will rise again.

Roll Tide 
Big Al Drawing

Banksy Artwork Removed?
The owner of a garage that became a canvas for Banksy's latest artwork says he "can't cope" with the attention it has brought to his suburban street.
"I've been stressed, it's dropped a bomb on me. I'd just like a bit of normality back into my life, like it used to be."
Ian Lewis  
Welsh garage owner  
The art work has drawn over 20,000 visitors in the small Welsh town in the UK.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A Fun Christmas Event

Christmas Auction

If you are looking for something fun to do for Christmas after the meal is done, try the Family Auction. This was started by one of our relatives years ago and it is now an annual and fun thing to do. Don’t get the wrong idea; it’s not a money maker First monopoly money is the only money used and second it’s only for fun. It’s a good way for everyone that comes to the party can walk away with a gift.
 If interested here is a list of things to do.
  1. During the year when you see things on sale that might be a good gift for someone buy it.
  2. Store the gift in a safe place until Christmas day.
  3. On Christmas day donate to the party without mentioning what the gifts are.
  4. Someone gather as much monopoly money that they can find and bring to the party on Christmas day.
  5. Once all the gifts are gathered (an kept out of sight) find the best auctioneer in the group (this has to be someone smart, funny and good hearted.)
  6. The auctioneer finds helpers to distribute a designated amount of monopoly money to each person at the party (children included.)
  7. Start the auction with the first gift.
  8. One by one the gifts are auctioned off to the highest bidder.
  9. Remember to keep the game upbeat and fun.
  10. Everyone can bid on any item but no sharing the money with others. Each person must have their own money for the item being auctioned. (Remember this is all in fun. However, people do quickly forget that the money is monopoly and may end up waiting and end up with only the monopoly money at the end.)

Have fun next Christmas.

Works of Art and More

Bridge View

Bridge View  Prints