What to Drink When You Exercise

Water is the best for rehydrating, however some electrolytes need to also be replaced.

It is important to replace vital fluids while and after exercising.

Updated information 


  1. well... what are we supposed to drink then?

  2. It depends on how much you sweaat. In a normal 30 min. session with moderate sweat water is enough.

  3. I guess I'm good then, because I exercise (and no it did not take me three times to spell exercise correctly) for thirty only minutes and end it. Then I guzzle down lots of water all day because I love it. That and Diet Coke but I don't drink that all day cuz I'd be a total spaz. Glad to have found your site. :)

  4. Thanks @kimberlyKrey You sound like you're doing great. Enjoy the blog and your workouts


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