Friday, December 19, 2014

Pause and Check The Scent
In the middle of pursuing a cleaver fox one must always pause to make sure you are still on the right scent.
There is always time to stop and think about what you are doing. If for some reason you get caught up in the crowd and are chasing something that you thought was important, stop for a minute and consider the outcome. It's not too late to stop and adjust your goals.
Having a piece of the truth leads to you having to add to it. And, what you or someone else adds will more than likely be far from it.
Why not wait and get the whole truth, that way you don't need to add anything.
The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
Psalm 19:8

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Beware of the Deceiver

What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?
Matthew 8:36

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bicep Pump
Six fantastic exercises to pump up the biceps in a hurry.

Joy Joy Joy
There's joy there's joy
In my heart today
For all my sins have been washed away
And now I have a new song to sing
Of praises unto Jesus the King

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Bless Her Heart

Cecilia Giménez touched up 120-year-old
 'Ecce Homo' (Behold The Man)
It seems that she knew exactly what she was doing when she restored the painting and added her loving touch to it. According to experts it was repairable and with all the hype over the mishap the city is now  boom.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Taking the Word Toned Too Far
An interesting article on the word tone and how much it is overused. As a big believer the power of the words and the use of them, this article changed my thinking on using the word toned. It may cause you to rethink what you are saying about being fit.

4 reason the word tone should take a hike

by Cassie Smith       

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Life Is Much More Than A Boar

There are no words to soothe the wounds of failure.
Only time heals a wound that digs this deep.
It hit us when we didn’t expect it and took advantage of our jubilation. While down, it kicked us dead in our mouth. But, we got up (as all real men do) and without rubbing our wounds we continued our walk.
 Dirt and blood dripped from out face as we continued but none of us ever stopped moving.

Time and movement lessens the pain.
The pictures in the following morning news-paper are surreal. The person on the ground, at the feet of the policemen in the image, just yesterday was laughing and joking with us. My friend (that same friend that was floating high about a new girlfriend) was no longer here.  A friend that would not have known that hate teamed with evil and was coming to visit us.
He was a perfect target.
He would not have known it was aimed at him.

Life Is Much More Than A Boar
In Paradise
Juvenile Fiction
Inspired by true events
By C. F. Legette

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

One Minute Fitness
According to a lovely new study, a single minute of intense exercise, embedded within an otherwise easy 10-minute workout, can improve fitness and health.
Just one minute.
Well this may be true but why not do thirty minutes and make sure. If you can squeeze one minute in to do a workout you can do thirty minutes. Don't let your getting dress to workout take longer than your actual workout.
I love these new studies (Not) that are a little too vague for me. I will stick with the old tried and true workouts that were taught in gym classes when all the gym teacher wanted was to help.
You can take your one minute workout and ...well you can do your minute and I'll still find time in my day to give my body what's good for it. I've been in it long enough to know it needs more than a minute.

The Art Models
Meet The Models: Exhibit Explores The People Behind The Paintings

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

My Two Cents On The Heisman


What if the Heisman Trophy had most of its weight on the character of a person as well as merit on the field? I know that stats on the field, style points and being on a wining team are standards that most voters use but what if…

What if the way a person handles the life of  being the top player of the year in college leaves no doubt about his good character traits. As highly publicized as the Heisman Trophy is and the influence that he has over young football players should be taken into consideration when it is time to pick the most highly praised college football player.
The player that comes to my mind first is Blake Sims from the Alabama Crimson Tide . He is a fifth year senior that has done everything right (on and of the field) with the one exception of not being flashy. It seems today that any candidate has to be overtly-boisterous. If character meant anything to the Heisman then he would be at the top of the list along with his teammate Amari Cooper. Amari certainly is a great candidate but the way Simms has over-come all of the critics and raise above the rest time and time again shows me on and of the field he is the Heisman.  
     (Amari Cooper in the final three candidates)

I am not one that usually root for quarterbacks as Heisman contenders. I think that quarterbacks get much more credit over great linemen at times. However, Blake Sims has shown me that doing it the right way is worth more than anything….just ask his teammates. Good luck Blake.

Blake Sims
Quarterback,  University of Alabama

Monday, December 08, 2014

Cafe Studel West Coal SC

I still have love for the small café in West Columbia. Brunch on Sundays has become a favorite of the wife. It's worth the wait.

The atmosphere is one of the best in the city to enjoy a great new flavor of coffee and or try a new dish.

Just across the bridge from Columbia and two lights later, take a left turn and you are there.

Works of Art and More

PandaLums Louis Vuitton

PandaLums Life-Lesson  Lock It In  Louis Vuitton Wall Prints Starting at  $22.34 Your attitude will deflate quickly...  when you allow cold ...